Vidangarishta 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Vidangarishta 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Vidangarishta is used for intestinal worms; poor appetite, digestion and absorption; malabsorption and sprue; irritable bowel.

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Vidanga or Embelia ribes has the synonym ‘Krimighna’ in Sanskrit, pointing to its remarkable efficacy in purging the body of all kinds of ‘worms’. Vidangarishta is a gut friendly product containing White flowered embelia as its signature ingredient, is advised for deworming, especially in children. It improves gut health and facilitates optimum nutrition; restores appetite and digestion.

Arishtas are mildly alcoholic preparations. The sweet taste of Vidangarishta makes it palatable to kids and adults alike. The alcohol base makes it quick acting and efficient.

Features & Benefits

  • Vidangarishta is indicated for safe deworming in children and adults. Effectively prevents relapse and recurrence of intestinal worms.
  • It is an effective remedy for intestinal worms and parasites.
  • It improves digestion and appetite.
  • Vidangarishta helps in managing constipation, bowel disorders like sprue, abdominal gas and distension, sour belching etc.
  • It digests ‘ama’ (by-products of faulty metabolism) and purifies blood.
  • It cleanses and detoxifies the body from within.
  • Vidangarishta also replenishes and sustains gut biome.

Dosage and Instructions

Adult: 25-30 ml Vidangarishtam twice or thrice daily after food.Child: 10-15 ml Vidangarishtam once or twice daily after food.

Key Ingredients

Vidanga (Embilia ribes)

Commonly known as false black pepper, Vidanga has various medicinal properties and is used in various Ayurvedic formulations. Vidanga is generally used to expel worms and parasites from the stomach due to its anthelmintic properties. It is beneficial for indigestion and also helps to manage constipation due to its laxative property. Various extracts of the crude drug Vidanga showed moderate to nil activity against most clinically isolated bacterial agents.

Pippalimoola (Piper longum)

Pippali is known as “tridoshic” herb as it suits all body types. Thus regular consumption of Pippali in suggested quantity can help you to immune your body to quite an extent. Pippali has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory activity. Consumption of Pippali is said to exhibit antispasmodic action and hypoglycaemic effect, which is believed to lower blood sugar level. It is also reported to be the antagonist in respiratory depression. Also, due to its cooling post-digestive effect, consumption of Pippali is considered as a safe and effective option to avoid all sorts of digestive disorders. Several biological activities like immunostimulatory, anti-ulcer, anti-amebic, anti-oxidant, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities were reported on the fruit of this plant.

Rasna (Alpinia Galanga)

It is also known as Alpinia Galanga. It is an Ayurvedic Medicinal which is a rhizome grown in most of Southeast Asia and is used in cooking and homemade remedies. Rasnaplant is used in many Ayurvedic medicines in India, Tibet, Africa to help with inflammation, bronchitis, asthma, cough, indigestion, piles, joint pains, obesity and diabetes. The paste of the leaf is also applied externally to reduce swelling

Kutaja (Hollerhena antidysentrica)

It prominently benefits in managing diarrhea and dysentery due to its antimicrobial activity. It is also useful for managing bleeding piles due to its astringent property. Taking Kutaja powder along with water after having light food to manage diarrhoea and dysentery. Washing wounds with Kutaja water helps in faster wound healing due to its Ropana (healing) property. The extract was found to improve 70% of clinical symptoms (symptoms such as loose motions, constipation, flatulence, abdominal cramping, diminished appetite, and mucus in stools related to these infections).

Patha (Cyclea peltata)

It is widely used in bone fracture and wound healing. Also used in the treatment of fever and acts as a breast milk purifier. They are commonly known as Indian Moonseed. Enhances immunity and prevents inflammation of the respiratory passages due to its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. They are used in conditions including infertility, wound, hypertension, and skin diseases.

Ela (Elettaria cardomum)

It is commonly used as Elaichi. It has very good antibacterial and antifungal properties. It helps in reducing inflammation. Cardamom is often given the epithet ‘Queen of Spices’ as it is used to flavour food in many countries. in addition, the herb has several health benefits. The German Commission E has indicated the use of Cardamom in dyspepsia and as a cholagogue, which promotes bile discharge from the system. The herb is also helpful in treating gum and teeth infections, throat congestion and kidney disorders.

Amalaki (Embilica officinalis)

Amalaki is also known as Embilica officinalis. The benefits of Amalaki are numerous, due to which it is considered to be the best antiaging ingredient in all of Ayurveda. It is beneficial for metabolism, elimination and normal liver function and excellent for the hair and skin. The fruit is an important source of Vitamin C, minerals and amino acids. It contains three times the protein concentration and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) concentration than apple.

Pippali (Piper longum)

Pippali is known as “tridoshic” herb as it suits all body types. Thus regular consumption of Pippali in suggested quantity can help you to immune your body to quite an extent. Pippali has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory activity. Consumption of Pippali is said to exhibit antispasmodic action and hypoglycaemic effect, which is believed to lower blood sugar level. It is also reported to be the antagonist in respiratory depression. Also, due to its cooling post-digestive effect, consumption of Pippali is considered as a safe and effective option to avoid all sorts of digestive disorders.

Maricha (Piper nigrum)

Maricha is native to the Western Ghats of India. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is widely used as a spice and in traditional Indian medicine preparation. Black pepper is an appetizer and a carminative commonly used in the treatment of digestive systems related complaints like dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, diarrhoea and colic pain. in the respiratory system, it acts like an Expectorant used in cough, cold and chest congestion. Externally used as an analgesic and in Vitiligo, it stimulates the production of pigments.

Shunti (Zingiber officinalae)

Due to its strong flavour, Ginger is an essential ingredient in many Asian cuisines. Its therapeutic benefits have been recorded in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ginger is a potent anti-nauseatic and is beneficial in treating upset stomach. Gingerol and shogaol, active components of Ginger, suppress gastric contractions. Both the fresh and dried rhizomes of Ginger suppress gastric secretion and reduce vomiting. The compounds 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol have a number of pharmacological properties, including antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive and hypotensive properties.

Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa)

Dhataki or Dhawai is also known as Bahupuspika in Ayurveda. It is the flower of Dhataki that has significant importance in the traditional Indian medicine. According to Ayurveda, Dhataki is considered beneficial for female disorders such as menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding) and leucorrhea (white discharge from the vagina) due to its Kashaya (astringent) property. Dhataki is beneficial for skin problems (such as acne, pimples etc.) and might assist in wound healing due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying a paste of Dhataki powder along with honey or water on the skin helps in reducing swelling and steps up wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) and Sita(cold) properties.

Lodhra (Symplocos recemosa)

It is a traditional medicine used by Ayurvedic practitioners. All parts like roots, bark as well as leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes but most useful is its stem. Lodhra is considered useful in managing female disorders such as leucorrhea (excessive vaginal discharge) which is caused by vaginal infections as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to manage excessive menstrual bleeding by promoting blood thickening due to its astringent and hemostatic (a process which stops bleeding) properties. This hemostatic property is also useful in managing nose bleeding.

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