Usheerasava 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Usheerasava 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Usheerasava is used to treat recurrent infection and inflammation of the urinary tract and genital tract, stress and anxiety; chronic skin disorders; excess body heat and sweating; acidity and irritable gut.

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Usheera or Vetiveria zizanoides is an aromatic herb renowned for its cooling property. Deranged Pitta elements manifest in the body as excessive heat, chronic inflammation and acidity. Usheerasava combines Usheera with digestive and restorative drugs. It cools and calms, restores skin health, and relieves chronic inflammations.

Asavas are mildly alcoholic preparations. The sweet taste of Usheerasava makes it palatable to kids and adults alike. The alcohol base makes it quick-acting and efficient.

Features & Benefits

  • Deeply cooling and refreshing, Usheerasava soothes the heat of Pitta from within.
  • It cleanses and detoxifies the body. Enhances liver and kidney function. Improves blood heme levels.
  • Usheerasava purifies the blood and improves circulation. Beneficial in chronic inflammatory disorders.
  • It improves and maintains skin health. Effective in treating skin pigmentation, acne, blisters and heat rashes.
  • Recurrent infection and inflammation of the urinary tract and genital tract is commonplace in women, especially in the menopausal period. Usheerasava manages the condition and prevents recurrence.
  • It calms the mind and excites nerves. Helpful in managing stress and anxiety.

Dosage and Instructions

Adult: 25-30 ml Usheerasava twice or thrice daily after food.

Child: 10-15 ml Usheerasava once or twice daily after food.

Key Ingredients

Ushira (Vetiveria Zizanioides)

Ushira or Khas-Khas is a popular cooling agent and has an amazing aroma. It pacifies aggravated Kapha and Pitta, purifies blood, relieves thirst, fatigue burning micturition.

Kamala Kesara (Nelumbo Nucifera)

It acts as a natural skin conditioner and is extremely beneficial in hydrating and moisturizing the skin. It prevents acne breakouts and prevents dry flaky skin.

Gambari (Gmelina arborea)

One of the Dashamoola roots, it effectively reduces inflammation and improves wound healing. The potent antioxidant properties help in cleansing the blood and removing the dullness of skin and wrinkles.

Lodhra (Symplocos Recemosa)

All parts like roots, bark as well as leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes but most useful is its stem. Lodhra is considered useful in managing female disorders such as leucorrhea (excessive vaginal discharge) which is caused by vaginal infections as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to manage excessive menstrual bleeding by promoting blood thickening due to its astringent and hemostatic (a process which stops bleeding) properties. This hemostatic property is also useful in managing nose bleeding

Manjishtha (Rubia Cordifolia)

Manjishtha or Indian Madder is considered to be one of the best blood-purifying herbs. It is mainly used to break down blockages in the blood flow and remove stagnant blood. Manjishtha herb can be used both internally and externally on skin for promoting skin whitening.

It helps manage acne and pimples by inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria due to its antioxidant property.

Patha (Cyclea peltata)

It is widely used in bone fracture and wound healing. Also used in the treatment of fever and act as a breast milk purifier. It is commonly known as Indian moonseed. It enhances immunity and prevents inflammation of the respiratory passages due to its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Used in conditions including infertility, wound, hypertension, and skin diseases.

Parata (Oldenlandia corymbosa)

It is commonly known as a diamond flower. It is an important drug used in fever in Ayurvedic preparations. It activates blood circulation, promotes diuresis and relieves stranguria, appendicitis, hepatitis, pneumonia, urinary infection, cellulite, and snakebite.

Patola (Trichosanthus dioica)

Patola or pointed gourd is recommended in liver disorders. It nourishes the liver and corrects all its functions. It improves the working of the digestive system and helps in maintaining skin health.

Jatamansi(Nardostachys Jatamansi)

Commonly known as Spikenard, it acts as a brain tonic and helps to improve memory and brain functions by preventing cell damage due to its antioxidant property. Its oil has been used as perfume. Roots of the plant are medically used to treat insomnia and blood, circulatory, and mental disorders.

Maricha (Piper nigrum)

It s a spice native to the Western Ghats of India. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is widely used as a spice and in traditional Indian medicine preparation. Black pepper is an appetizer and a carminative commonly used in the treatment of digestive systems-related complaints like dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and colic pain. in the respiratory system, it acts like an expectorant used in cough, cold, and chest congestion. Externally used as an analgesic and in Vitiligo it stimulates the production of pigments.

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