Tagara Capsules | 60 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Tagara Capsules | 60 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda


Tagara capsules are an excellent remedy for sleeplessness. Natural sedative. Combats anxiety and stress. Calms the mind, sharpens the senses. Protects the brain tissue from toxicity and degenerative changes.

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What Does Tagara Do For You?

  • Indian Valerian or Tagara balances the ‘Vata’ factor governing the central nervous system, especially the chemical activity in the brain. It is traditionally acclaimed for its capacity to smoothen and relax an agitated mind and its functions.
  • Tagara is recommended for combating anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It improves heart health and helps in managing primary hypertension.
  • The phytochemical constituents of Tagara have potent neuroprotective action. Studies have proved its efficacy in neutralizing oxidative stress.
  • Tagara actively prevents cell damage due to its anti-oxidant property. It functions as a brain tonic and helps to improve brain functions like memory, intelligence, cognition, and focus.
  • Valepotriates, present in 3 to 6 % concentration in Indian Valerian, is responsible for its primary effect as a sedative. It inhibits the enzyme-induced breakdown of GABA in the brain resulting in sedation. This makes it the first drug of choice in the management of primary insomnia or sleeplessness.
  • It has a distinct ability to neutralize poisons and toxins in the body and finds use in a number of medicines indicated for ‘Vishachikitsa’.

Why Tagara?

According to Ayurvedic scriptures, ‘Nidra’ or restful sleep is one of the ‘Trayopasthambhas’, the cornerstones of a healthy and productive life. After the rigors of daily life, sleep is what regenerates and revives the tired mind and body. Mounting stress in day-to-day life and imbalance of bodily humor and function takes a toll on daily sleep.

Tagara, a traditional and time-tested remedy for lack of sleep and is included in the category ‘Nidrajanana’ in authentic texts. It has been found to act at three distinct levels to bring about mental health and harmony. It protects the brain against oxidative stress, builds the body’s defense against neurotoxic substances, and improves mental functions. It is especially beneficial in managing neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. It softens the blow of aging and anxiety on the mental faculty.

Ayurvedic Pharmacodynamics

Rasa: Tikta, Katu (Madhura according to Kaiyyadeva nighantu)

Guna: Laghu, Snigdha, Sara

Virya: Seeta

Vipaka: Katu

Karma: Nidrajananam, Vegaghnam, Drishtidoshavinasanam

Classical Reference From Nighantu Ratnakara:

Translated as “Tagara is Seetala (cold potency), Pathya (conducive to the body), having Tikta Madhura Rasa (bitter sweet taste) and Laghu Snigdha Guna (light and unctous properties). It has Katu Vipaka (hot energetics) and is Vishanasaka (neutralises toxins and poisons) and is beneficial in treating diseases of the eyes and head, Raktadosha and Tridosha imbalance. It mitigates Unmada (psychotic imbalance), Apasmara (convulsive disorders), and Bhootabaada (afflictions by foreign bodies).”


Calarene, Betabargamotene, Valeranone, Valepotriates, Ar-curcumene, Maalioxide, Maalitol.

Botanical name: Valeriana wallichiiFamily: ValerianaceaEnglish name: Indian ValerianHindi name: TagarMalayalam name: TagaraSanskrit name: Tagara, Natah

Features & Benefits

  • Excellent remedy for sleeplessness. Natural sedative.
  • Combats anxiety and stress.
  • Calms the mind, sharpens the senses.
  • Protects the brain tissue from toxicity and degenerative changes

Dosage and Instructions

1-2 Capsules of Tagara once or twice daily, or as recommended by the Physician.

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