Sukumara Ghrita 150 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Sukumara Ghrita 150 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Sukumara Ghrita is used to treat growths and herniations in the abdomen and pelvis, pelvic congestion, constipation, general body water retention and edema, prostatic disorders, metabolic syndrome, menopausal syndrome etc.

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Sukumara Ghrita, is a unique rejuvenative formulation that can be easily administered across different ages, sexes, body constitutions and pathological conditions. with its main ingredient as Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa), it works beautifully in restoring the fluid and doshic balance within the body, operating from the region of the Apana.

‘Sukumara’ is a Sanskrit word that has specific implications in Ayurvedic literature. It denotes an individual who is delicate in constitution and sensitive to the rigors of daily life. in the present day, it can be equated with individuals who are accustomed to a sedentary life, not capable of complying to strict diet restrictions and medicine, and with a sensitive body constitution in general.

Ghritas (medicated ghees) are combinations of fats and aqueous extract of medicinal plants. The medicinal active principles in the form of juices, decoctions and fresh ground paste of herbs and roots, are gradually infused into pure ghee at a stipulated temperature. The human body is accustomed to ‘Ghrita’ or ghee by birth. For the same reason, therapeutic formulations based in ghee can be administered for long periods with sustained results.

Features & Benefits

  • Sukumara Ghrita is a combination of Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa),Dasamoola (the group of ten anti-inflammatory drugs), Trnapanchamoola (the group of five diuretics), Hapusha (Sphearanthus indicus), Pippali Pippalimoola (Piper longum), Yashtimadhu (Glycirrhiza glabra), Madhuca (Madhuca longifolia),
  • Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum), Jeevanthi (Holostemma ada-kodien), Erandamoola (Ricinus communis) and Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera) in a nourishing and carminative base of Erandataila (Castor oil), Ghrita (Ghee), Guda (Jaggery) and Paya (Cow’s milk).
  • Castor oil as a base has specific action in the pelvic region. in Sukumara Ghrita, the base is a combination of ghee, castor oil, jaggery and cow’s milk. It is hailed by Ayurvedic physicians for its efficacy in managing tissue growths and herniations in the abdominal and pelvic regions.
  • It acts as mild laxative and relieves pelvic congestion. It may be used safely even in a child to overcome constipation and difficulty in micturition.
  • Punarnava along with Dasamoola endows the formula with excellent anti-inflammatory property. Sukumara Ghrita is a good remedy for chronic inflammatory disorders of the gut and bowel.
  • It is very beneficial in improving renal health. It maintains fluid electrolyte balance in the body, in patients weakened by age and disease.
  • Sukumara Ghrita restores hormonal balance in women.
  • It is good carminative. It primes up the function of Apana Vayu at its Sthana. It improves digestive function and metabolism. It is used widely in the management of metabolic syndrome.
  • Sukumara Ghrita is effective in the management of prostate enlargement, micturition defects in men.

Dosage and Instructions

Adult: 10-15 ml of Sukumara Ghrita, early morning on empty stomach, or at bedtime, followed by half a glass of lukewarm water, as recommended by the Physician.

Child: 5-7 ml of Sukumara Ghrita, early morning on empty stomach, or at bedtime, followed by half a glass of lukewarm water, as recommended by the Physician.

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