Sudhabala Thailam 200 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Sudhabala Thailam 200 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Sudhabala Thailam is used to treat neurological disorders.

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Sudhabala, a special blend of Ayurvedic oil found in the Classic Ayurvedic text Sahasrayogam, and is a great option for treating all neurological problems. Due to the presence of Bala, Ksheera, and thailam in the oil, SudhaBalaThailam is a safe and efficient treatment for women during pregnancy and puberty. Since Balais the preferred medication for all nervous system illnesses, it is advised to take SudhaBalaThailam consistently for Abyangam as a safeguard against rheumatic and neurological conditions.

Features & Benefits

  • SudhaBalaThailam is used to treat neurological conditions such as hemiplegia, insanity, and facial palsy.
  • Pregnant women and women in the puerperium frequently (post-delivery period) frequently use SudhaBalaThailam to get devoid of post-delivery weakness.
  • It acts as a safeguard against neurological and rheumatic diseases.

Dosage and Instructions

Apply SudhaBalathailam externally over affected area and massage gently for 30 mins or as directed by your physician.

Key Ingredients

Balamoola (Sida Cordifolia)

In the Vedic literature, Balais referred to as Rasayana, Vishaghana, Balya, and Pramehaghna. While Susruta detailed both Balaand AtiBalain Madhur skandha, Charaka described Balaunder Balya, Brumhani dashaimani. It is widely utilized for both internal and exterior Ayurvedic therapies. The herbs root is a useful tonic and immunomodulator.

Go Ksheera (Cows Milk)

Cows milk is an abundant source of calcium and vitamins. Its properties include moisturizing and strengthening. Milk supports the wellbeing of the muscles, joints, and bones. Humans are habituated to drinking cows milk from birth, according to Ayurveda. It is easy to digest, has exceptional Rasayana Guna (rejuvenating qualities), and is incredibly nutritious. It rids the body from mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, dementia, sanity, and epilepsy.

Tila Thailam (Sesame Oil)

In Ayurveda, sesame oil is frequently utilized as the base for several formulations. It is naturally nourishing and fortifying, and it also encourages hair development and stops hair loss. Its ushna (heating nature) and unctuous qualities calm Vata.

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