Shathadhaoutha Ghrutham 15 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Shathadhaoutha Ghrutham 15 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Shathadhaoutha ghrutham is beneficial in managing burns, insect bites and stings, painful rashes and chafed skin; inflamed and painful acne; dull, dry and lifeless skin.

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Shathadhaoutha ghrutham in Sanskrit translates to ghee that has been washed a hundred times. Ayurveda captures the profound healing properties of ghee in various internal and external medications. Thepitta-hara property of ghee makes it the drug of choice in all kinds of active inflammations characterised by redness, burning sensation and pain.

In shathadhaoutha ghrutham, the cooling and astringent property of Nalpamara kashaya (aqeous extract of the the four milky trees) is incorporated repeatedly into pure ghee to obtain an intensely cooling, soothing, buttery product that spreads luxuriously on skin.

Features & Benefits

  • Thepitta-hara property of ghee makes it the drug of choice in all kinds of active inflammations characterised by redness, burning sensation and pain.
  • In Shathadhaoutha ghrutham, the pittasamana property of ghee is fortified exponentially by washing it a hundred times with Ksheerivriksha kwatha, which has potent pitta-hara, vrana-sodhana (wound cleansing) and ropana (healing) properties.
  • Excellent remedy for burns, painful stings and bites and painful warm inflammations. Soothes skin irritated by acne and rashes with pitta-predominance. Shathadhaoutha ghrutham exerts its seeta sparsatwa or coolness immediately upon application.
  • Ksheerivriksha has potent cleansing action. It cleanses the skin and improves its defense against invading organisms.
  • Shathadhaoutha ghrutham is a good remedy for reviving dull, chafed lifeless skin. It smoothens the skin and keeps it soft and supple on regular application. The varnya (brightening) property of the Ksheerivriksha helps in improving the complexion.

Dosage and Instructions

Quantity sufficient based on the area affected. Exclusively for external application.

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