Red Sandalwood Powder | Rakta Chandan Powder 50 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Red Sandalwood Powder | Rakta Chandan Powder 50 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Red Sandalwood Powder or Rakthachandanam is recommended for skin tan, acne, age spots, dark circles, and skin pigmentation.

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Red sandal or Rakthachandanam is a small, light-demanding tree that has been a part of Ayurvedic beauty care since ages. Its heartwood is therapeutically exploited for skincare products.

According to Ayurveda classics, Rakthachandanam Churna is extremely cooling, bitter to taste and pacifies the heat of aggravated Pitta. Red Sandalwood powder can be used with different media to suit every kind of skin. The mildly aromatic fine red powder of Rakthachandanam is your way to clear, healthy skin naturally. 

Features & Benefits

  • Lightens And Brightens: Red sandalwood powder works on your natural complexion and skin tone to give it a healthy glow. It exfoliates gently and de-tans.
  • Erases Scars And Blemishes:Regular use improves your skin. It is an effective remedy for age spots, scars, blemishes and hyper-pigmentation.
  • Soothes Sensitive Skin:Aggravated Pitta and Kapha are responsible for sensitive skin. Red sandalwood powder deeply cools the skin. It prevents acne, pimples and urticaria.
  • Revives Dull Skin:The Rakthachandanam choorna used with suitable media revives dull and lifeless skin. It keeps your skin youthfully radiant.

Dosage and Instructions

Sufficient quantity of Red Sandalwood Powder maybe made into a paste with warm water/ milk/ rose water/ tender coconut water based on your skin type, and applied in a thick layer over the face and neck. Should be rinsed off with water when 3/4th dry.

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