Rajahpravartini Vati Tablet 100 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Rajahpravartini Vati Tablet 100 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda


Rajahpravartini Vati is used to improve menstrual health in women.

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The Sanksrit term ‘Rajapravartini’ means ‘that which activates blood’. Rajahpravartini Vati is a potent combination of Hingu (Ferrula asafoetida), Kanyasara(dried Aloe pulp), Kanyaswarasa (juice of Aloe vera juice), Tankana (Borax)and Annabhedi Sindoora (incinerated Ferrous sulphate) mentioned in the context of treatment of menstrual disorders. It restores hormonal balance and menstrual health in women.

‘Vatis’ are solid dosage forms in which the therapeutic effects of herbs and roots are concentrated into handy pills. These are conveniently sized and easy to carry around. They are versatile and can be used to achieve different results through a variety of adjuvants.

Features & Benefits

  • Sedentary lifestyles and over-nourishment leads to a sluggish metabolism and hormonal imbalance in women. Rajahpravartini Vati is a potent combination that breaks through the sluggishness and inactivity imposed by vitiated Kapha.
  • It is beneficial in managing poor blood Hb levels.
  • Rajahpravartini Vati restores menstrual health and quality of blood.
  • It improves reproductive health in women.

Dosage and Instructions

1-2 tablets of Rajahpravartini Vati twice daily along with a suitable adjuvant, as advised by the Physician.

Key Ingredients

Tankanam (Borax)

It is an essential element for dietary intake for humans and animals. Shuddha Tankana has great therapeutic/medicinal value as a potent expectorant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, diuretic, antimicrobial and is considered as an antidote for Aconite. The present study focuses on the therapeutic value of Tankana in ‘Stree Roga’.

Hingu (Ferula asafetida)

Hingu is an Indian spice used for flavoring food and in herbal medicines for the treatment of digestive and mental ailments. However, flavoring food is not the main concern of hing spice. The main concern of using it in food is to prevent digestive ailments such as gas, flatulence, bloating and abdominal distension.

Annabedhi Sindooram

Purified and herbally potentiated Ferrrous Sulphate is called Annabhedi Sindoora. It is good in managing anemia and improves blood and allied ailments. This quickly relieves palpitation, giddiness, loss of appetite, and indigestion connected with anemia. It is useful in grahani. It is indicated in Ayurvedic treatment of Anemia, general weakness, and irregular menstruation.

Kanyasara (Aloe vera)

Kanyasara is the gel from the leaves of aloe plants, dried to obtain a hard crystalline product. People have used it for thousands of years for healing and softening the skin. Aloe has also long been a folk treatment for many maladies, including constipation and skin disorders. It is a rich source of phytoestrogens and Vitamin E.

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