BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia is a disease that affects people in their old age, manifesting itself with symptoms like weak urine flow, increased urge to urinate, frequent urination during the night & a feeling of incomplete micturition. AVN with it’s clinical experience in managing BPH and it’s prowess in research has developed Prostilon® with ingredients like Punarnava, Triphala, Amshumathi dwaya and other vata-hara & mutrala dravyas which is very effective in the management of BPH & it’s symptoms.
Product Indications
Prostilon is indicated in the following conditions
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasias
- Prostatic cancer – along with the allopathic standard of care as an adjuvant
- Chronic Prostatitis
Product Dosage
2 tablets twice to thrice daily depending on condition
Product Benefits and Features
- Prostilon® inhibits the growth of the prostate gland through its anti-proliferative activities thereby helping in the reversal of the disease.
- It helps in relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate gland and relieves symptoms like increased urgency, incomplete micturition, increased frequency of micturition at night, thereby increasing the quality of life.
- It helps improve the production and elimination of urine.
- It has anti-inflammatory ingredients which help reduce pain and burning sensation during urination.
- It is formulated as a modern pharmaceutical tablet that helps in increased palatability & compliance to the prescribed regimen.
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