Panchakola Choornam 50 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Panchakola Choornam 50 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Panchakolam Choornam is an excellent Ayurvedic formulation that kindles the digestive fire.

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Panchakola Choornam is an excellent Ayurvedic formulation that kindles the digestive fire. The word ‘Pancha’ means five and ‘Kolam’ is a measurement denoting the volume of seed. The main ingredients are Chavya, Pippali, Pippali moola, Shunti, Chitrakamoola. Taking Panchakola Choornam with warm water, buttermilk or honey gives the desired effect.

Features & Benefits

  • Panchakola Choornam is commonly used as an appetizer, carminative, and digestant, as well as to repair metabolic faults i.e. Agni dushti.
  • It is Tridoshagna, as it is effective in combating the three vitiated doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
  • It is given before Panchakarma procedures for Amapachana.
  • Panchakolam choornam act as a ‘Deepana’ (appetizer) as well as ‘Pachana’ (digestant).
  • It removes excess unhealthy fats, and lipids.
  • It is helpful in colic pain and subsides the bloating tendency.
  • It is very effective in treating malabsorption syndrome.

Key Ingredients


Improves appetite, and checks indigestion.Prevents liver ailments.Fights against bacterial infections.Effective in menstrual cramps and bloating.


Prevents cholesterol LDL accumulation in blood vessels and the liver. Appetizer. Prominent wound healing activity. Manages microbial infection.


Useful in constipation, abdominal pain.Increases digestive strength and counters worm infestation.Beneficial in cough and asthma.Also manages bloating, and fullness.

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