Murivenna Ointment 20 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Murivenna Ointment 20 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Murivenna Ointment is useful in Traumatic swelling and pain; Burns, cuts and bruises; Inflamed and painful haemorrhoids, fistula, fissure; Peptic ulcer; Inflammation of gut and bowel.

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Murivenna Ointment has Coconut oil enriched with the healing properties of Moringa leaves, Indian shallots, Indian beech, Aloe vera etc., immediately kick into action in the management of all kinds of trauma, including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations and burns.

This traditional and time tested formula for pain relief, and healing is a must-have in your First-aid kit at home. The consumer friendly ointment base makes it convenient for use and transportation.

Features & Benefits

  • Murivenna Ointment instantly cools and promotes blood circulation in the traumatized area. Applied in sprains and strains, it relieves all the symptoms of inflammation like redness, swelling, temperature, pain and loss of function.
  • Murivenna Ointment draws out deep tissue inflammation. in soft tissue injury that refuses to heal, regular application can help in promoting drainage of deep tissue oedema. The Sookshma or penetrating Swabhava of the Kerataila or coconut oil helps in delivering the healing action of Indian Asparagus, Aloe, Shallots, Moringa leaves, Betel leaves, Karanja, Caper bush etc. into deeper tissues.
  • Coconut oil base enriched with Aloe and Asparagus helps in gently healing and nourishing damaged skin, connective tissue, bones and muscles. It relieves painful and swollen degenerative joints.
  • The tendency to draw out and expel heat renders it very effective in the treatment of burns. Aloe and Asparagus contribute to the cause.
  • It is a tried and tested remedy for relieving pain and inflammation in Haemorrhoids, Fistula and Fissure. The acute Pitta Samana brings instant relief on application.
  • Murivenna Ointment is effective in treating cuts, wounds and burns.

Dosage and Instructions

Exclusively for external use.

Take sufficient quantity of Murivenna Ointment and apply liberally. Repeat application till symptoms subside.

Suitable for all ages.

Key Ingredients

Nalikera Thailam (Cocos nucifera)

Octanoic acid, which has anti-fungal properties, is one of the major active constituents of Coconut. It also contains Vitamins E and K and minerals such as iron. Polyphenols, such as gallic acid, gives the fruit its fragrance and taste. Because of its inherent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, Coconut oil is an extremely popular ingredient in haircare and skincare products.

Sigru (Moringa olieifera)

Commonly known as Drum stick tree. Root bark, stem bark, leaves, fruits, and seeds are used for medicinal purpose. Leaf juice is used in conjunctivitis, and paste is applied when there is swelling around the eyes. The leaf decoction is internally taken for body ache and dysmenorrhea.

Kumari (Aloe vera)

Vranaropana (wound healing activity), Rasayana (rejuvenative for the skin, intestines, female reproductive system), Artavajanana (promotes menses), Dipana (enkindles the digestive fire), Visphota (removes pustules), Bhedaniya (Purgative powder), Raktapitta (alleviates bleeding), Amapacana (clearing ama), Visahara (destroys poison), Llihayakrdvrddhihara (reduces inflammations of spleen and liver), Granthi (clears tumour).

Karanja (Pongamia pinnata Linn.)

An ancient plant described in Veda, Samhita, and almost in all Nighantu. Nature has been a good source of medicinal plants since immemorial time, and an impressive number of modern drugs have been isolated from plant sources, many based on their use in traditional medicine. Karanja has been recognized in Ayurveda a traditional system of medicine for the treatment of various diseases of human beings. Different parts of this plant are traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments including Kushta, Arsha, Prameha, Yonidosha, etc.

Shathavari (Asparagus recemosa)

Coined as the “Queen of Herbs”, Shatavari has been used for centuries as a hormone balancer and a general tonic to uplift female health and libido. Being a powerful adaptogenic herb, it not only relieves one from physical and emotional stress but also manages diabetes mellitus, prevents high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and helps in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections, oedema, infertility, depression and cancer.

Palandu (Alium cepa)

Onion has been an important constituent in foods all over the world. in experimental studies, it was observed that the use of onions reduces blood sugar levels in experimental diabetes. Also, it was observed that onions inhibit platelet aggregation and control higher lipid content in the blood (Hyperlipidaemia). in some other studies, it was observed that ointment prepared from the onions minimize the formation of the scar in burn injury.


A few advantages to using beeswax include: Moisturizing Components – Beeswax locks in moisture and can help keep the skin firm and plump. The anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties soothe easily irritated skin, making it one of the best skincare ingredients for healing rosacea or eczema.

Speciality:100% Natural. Purely herbal. Vegetarian.

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