Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika Tablets 60 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika Tablets 60 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda


Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika Tablets are used for lack of concentration and focus, poor memory and retention, insomnia, anxiety and stress.

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The friend and salve to your agitated mind, ‘Manasamitram Gulika’ is an exquisite combination of herbal powders, juices, decoctions and incinerated minerals. Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika tablets boosts brain function and soothes frayed nerves.

Gutikas are solid dosage forms in which the therapeutic effects of herbs and roots are concentrated into handy pills. These are conveniently sized and easy to carry around. They are versatile and can be used to achieve different results through a variety of adjuvants.

Features & Benefits

  • Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika tablets are an exquisite combination beneficial for brain and nervine health.
  • It improves alertness, memory and focus.
  • Manasamitra Vatakam also stimulates intellect, cognition and speech.
  • It is an effective remedy for erratic activity in the brain and central nervous system.
  • Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika tablets are also effective in managing diseases of psychosomatic origin.
  • It supports the treatment of anxiety, depression and mental ailments.

Dosage and Instructions

Adult: 1-2 tablets of Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika twice daily on empty stomach, dissolved in a an ounce of milk.

Child: 1/2-1 tablet of Manasamitra Vatakam Gulika once or twice daily on empty stomach, dissolved in half an ounce of milk.

Key Ingredients

Bala (Sida cordifolia)

It is scientifically known as Sida cordifolia. It is one of the main ingredient in many of the ayurvedic formulation and mainly used in Vataja disorder. It is also useful in pregnancy to make milk decoction for easy delivery. Country Mallow is a revered herb in Ayurveda, known to balance all the doshas (bodily humours that makeup one’s constitution). It is a health tonic with rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, libido-enhancing and fat-burning properties.

Aparajitha (Clitoria ternatea)

Among the innumerable plants used in native system of medicines, ‘Aparajita’ stands out as a curative herb to improve memory. in Ayurveda, it is grouped under ‘Medhya’ category forming part of “Shirovirechanopaga” group of herbs associated with detoxification and cleansing of the brain and associated nervous system.

Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn)

It is a traditional Indian medicinal herb, which is practiced to treat a wide range of health ailments, including neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, metabolic, kidney, and liver disorders. The root (rhizome) is used to make medicine. Despite safety concerns, the calamus is used for gastrointestinal (GI) problems, including ulcers, inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis), intestinal gas (flatulence), upset stomach and loss of appetite (anorexia). The oil is used to treat stomach ailments and mental debility. Joint pains and aches resulting from rheumatism and arthritis are also relieved by Calamus oil.

Patola (Trichosanthus dioica)

It is having antiallergic and anti-inflammatory actions. The various chemical constituents present in the plant shows anti-inflammatory activity. Patola is very useful in skin diseases by its anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine activity.

Shathavari (Asparagus recemosa)

Coined as the “Queen of Herbs”, Shatavari has been used for centuries as a hormone balancer and a general tonic to uplift female health and libido. Being a powerful adaptogenic herb, it not only relieves one from physical and emotional stress but also manages diabetes mellitus, prevents high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and helps in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections, oedema, infertility, depression and cancer.

Shilajathu (Kanmadam)

Shilajit is a natural substance found mainly in the Himalayas, formed for centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Shilajit is an important, known component of the ayurvedic medicine, given its characteristics as a Rasayana. in this context, health benefits such as an increase in longevity, rejuvenating, and arresting ageing roles have been attributed to it.

Thulasi (Osimum sanctum)

Indian mythology attaches a great significance to Basil by recognizing it as a holy herb. Perhaps, such significance comes from the actual health applications of the herb. Its use is recommended as first aid in the treatment of respiratory, digestive, and skin diseases. Apart from these common ailments, Ayurveda also recognizes its use for diseases ranging up to tumorous growths. Experimental studies identify it to be a highly promising immunomodulator, cytoprotective and anticancer agent.

Brahmi (Bacopi monnieri)

Brahmi is used for Alzheimer’s disease, improving memory, anxiety, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), allergic conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a general tonic to fight stress. It’s a common habit of eating Brahmi leaves for school-going children. Since the liver is the biggest agent of detoxification of the body, the compounds in Brahmi benefits the liver in this aspect. It helps by aiding the liver in its conversion of toxins into harmless ones and waste products.

Durva (Cyonodon dactylon)

Durva also called as Cyonodon dactylon. It is considered complexion-enhancing, astringent, moisturizing, demulcent and cooling for the skin. Durva is also considered very good for the eyes and is therefore regarded as a good ophthalmic medicine. According to Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary by C.P. Khare, Dhub Grass is used as a remedy for inflamed tumours, cuts, wounds, bleeding piles, cystitis, nephritis, scabies and other skin diseases. It has astringent, diuretic, antidiarrheal, anti catarrhal, styptic and antiseptic properties.

Suvarna (Gold)

Swarna Bhasma is an elixir for the cardiac system. It strengthens the heart muscles and promotes blood flow, cleansing, and detoxification. It further balances blood pressure and regulates the pumping capacity of the heart.

Rajatha (Silver)

It is a metal kept in Dhatu Varga. Since Vedic period people were known for its properties of increasing immunity power, body strength, mind and Sattva. To achieve long life, people used silver pot to drink water and eat food. in Samhita Kala, metals were being used in Churna form in different formulations.

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