Kutajarishtam 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Kutajarishtam 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Kutajarishtam is useful in acute chronic diarrhoea, loose stools, sprue, irritable bowel, intestinal infection, worms.

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The scientific name of Kutaja Holorrhoena antidysentrica stands testimony to the efficacy of this drug in halting runny stools and irritable bowel. Kutajarishtam is a traditional alcohol-based preparation that is cooling and styptic to the body.

Sweet and palatable, it is routinely used to bring to a halt, continuous loss of water and nutrients from the body in patients of diarrhea and sprue. Kutaja(Conessi bark) and Draksha (Black grapes) are the main ingredients in this formula that pacifies aggravated Kapha And Pitta in the Koshta (Gut).

Features & Benefits

  • A unique quick acting blend of Kushta (Conessi bark), Draksha (Black grapes), Madhuca (Mahuwa flowers), Gambhari(Gamhar) and Dhatakipushpa(Fire flame bush) in a base of Jaggery.
  • Blood purifier. Flushes out endotoxins from the blood. Digestive in action. Promotes both the Jatharagni (Digestive fire) and Dhatwagni (Metabolic agency).
  • Quick action in acute and chronic diarrhea. Effectively prevents excess water loss and dehydration.
  • Relieves irritable bowel and sprue. Improves absorption in the gut.
  • Good remedy for inflammatory and bleeding disorders of the gut.
  • Cleanses the gut and bowel. Prevents intestinal and worm infestation.

Dosage and Instructions

Child: 10-15 mL once or twice daily after food

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