Kapikachhu Capsules | 60 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Kapikachhu Capsules | 60 Nos by Sitaram Ayurveda


Kapikachhu capsules are used to naturally boosts Dopamine levels in the body. Calms the senses. Relieves anxiety and stress. Excellent aphrodisiac. Enhances sexual health, vitality and vigor. Boosts sperm count and motility. Improves ovarian health stimulates ovulation.

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What Does Kapikachhu Do For You?

  • Kapikachhu is a potent nervine tonic. It is a natural L-Dopa supplement that increases Dopamine levels in the body. Healthy levels of Dopamine are indispensable for smooth sensory function and mental agility. It calms the senses and relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Increased Dopamine levels are believed to improve nerve conduction. It naturally manages movement disorders typical of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s.
  • The drug has intense Vata-Pitta hara action. Excited Vata manifests as rigidity, dryness, roughness, loss of function and tingling sensation in the body. Kapikachhu grounds and stabilizes the erratic Vata. It soothes the nervous system and restores vitality and vigor.
  • Cowhage has superlative aphrodisiac quality. It enhances sexual drive in both men and women. It sustains the healthy functioning of the male and female reproductive organs.
  • It improves the quality of sperm and ovum. Evidence-based studies corroborate its efficacy in improving sperm count and motility. It is very effective in remedying infertility due to the poor quality of sperm.
  • It improves ovarian health and stimulates ovulation. Hormonal balance is indispensable for timely ovulation and fertilization. Kapikachhu sets metabolism on track, which in turn ensures hormonal health in women.

Why Kapikachhu?

The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste) and Ushna Veerya (hot energetic potency) make Kapikachhu or Cowhage, as it is commonly called, an ideal drug for kick-starting a sluggish metabolism, while gently nourishing the body tissues in quantity and quality. It directly promotes the healthy function of neurotransmitters and improves mental health and functions. The drug is relaxing and grounding to an excited nervous system.

‘Ojas’ is a comprehensive concept of absolute health in Ayurveda. It denotes the person’s vitality as a measure of mental and physical health. Kapikachhu has been hailed by Ayurvedic texts for efficiently nurturing and stabilizing the Ojas in an individual.

Ayurveda considers a healthy progeny as a ‘Purushartha’, the sublime purpose of human life. Kapikachhu is revered by the Ayurvedic system of healing for its absolute potential to boost virility, especially in males.

A retrospective study conducted at the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow, India has established the efficacy of M. Pruriens in increasing sperm concentration and motility in infertile study groups.

Vedic Wisdom:

Ayurvedic pharmacodynamics

Rasa: Madhura, Tikta

Guna: Guru, Snigdha

Virya: Ushna

Vipaka: Madhura

Karma: Vata-Pitta hara, Balya, Brhmana, Vajikarana, Rasayana

Classical reference from Bhavaprakasa Nighantu:

Translated as Kapikachhu has intense Vrsya (improving fertility) property, has Madhura and Tikta Rasa (sweet and bitter taste), Guru Guna (heavy, groudning stabilising property) and Brhmana Swabhava (bulk promoting). It is Vata hara (pacifies Vata), Balya (strengthening) and relieves Raktapitta (bleeding disorders brought about by aggravated Pitta). It has superlative aphrodisiac property.


L-dopa, Mucunine, Mucunadine, Prurienine, Purienine, Tryptamine, Choline , Enzyme Protease Mucunain etc.

Botanical name: Mucuna PruriensFamily: FabaceaEnglish name: CowhageHindi name: GoncaMalayalam name: NaykuranaSanskrit name: Kapikachhu, Atmagupta

Natural Anti-depressants in Ayurveda

Although primarily associated with men’s desire, testosterone is an essential hormone for both men and women and is present in both sexes from birth. It plays the best part in enhancing the sexual drive, energy, and physical stamina in females when it is produced in a very small amount. in men, testosterone serves to support overall male health and encourage sexual development.

Early in adulthood, the level of testosterone typically increases, and it continues to be important for many body functions, such as preserving bone and muscle mass, storing fat, producing red blood cells, and enhancing sexual vigor and health.

After the age of 30, testosterone levels in men often start to gradually decline. Hypogonadism is a condition brought on by low levels of testosterone. The causes of the decline in testosterone include excessive alcohol or drug use, drug addiction, long-term use of some medications, and other medical conditions. Among the signs of low testosterone are some of the following:

  • Erectile dysfunction or difficulty getting an erection.
  • Fatigue/Depression.
  • Poor muscular strength and endurance.
  • Improper sleeping habits.
  • Loss of body hair.
  • Enlargement of the breasts.

An average sperm count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. If the sperm is healthy, 20 million sperm per milliliter may be adequate for conception.

  • Quantity:A healthy sperm count is about 15 million or more for every milliliter of semen.
  • Movement(motility)- 60-80% must be actively moving.
  • Shape(morphology)- Healthy sperm have rounded heads and long, strong tails.

All aspects of sexual health mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures are collectively referred to as Vajeekarana. One of the eight Ashtangas is Vajeekarana (eight main divisions in Ayurveda). Vajeekarana and Rasayana frequently collaborated (branch of rejuvenation and longevity). That underlines how crucial it is to maintain good sexual health in order to live a better, healthier life.

Ayurvedic treatment plans may include medications, herbal aphrodisiacs, dietary and lifestyle modifications, psychotherapy, and Panchakarma (detoxification) procedures. Numerous herbs and pills are on the market that helps the body increase its synthesis of testosterone. These herbs work by controlling the underlying conditions that lead to hormonal imbalance and poor testosterone secretion. Additionally, it helps to alleviate the signs and symptoms of low testosterone.

Sitaram Kapikachhu capsules are valued as one of the best natural testosterone boosters. It has an amazing potential to augment testosterone production, increase sperm count, improve muscle mass and promote libido and vitality in men. The Kapikachhu capsules are also known for their action on the nervous system as it improves dopamine levels.

Features Benefits of Kapikachhu

  • The nervine tonic Kapikachhu is quite effective as it raises the body’s dopamine levels naturally by supplementing with L-Dopa. Smooth sensory processing and mental agility require healthy amounts of dopamine. It relaxes the senses and relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Dopamine augmentation is thought to enhance nerve conduction. It controls movement problems brought on by neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s naturally.
  • Kapikachhu benefits intense Vata-Pitta hara action. Excited Vata causes the body to become inflexible, dry, rough, lose function, and feel tingly. The unsteady Vata is grounded and stabilized by Kapikachhu. It calms the nervous system and revitalizes the body.
  • Kapikachhu has exceptional aphrodisiac properties. Both men and women experience an increase in sexual drive. It maintains the reproductive systems of both sexes in good health.
  • It raises sperm and egg quality. Its effectiveness in increasing sperm count and motility is supported by evidence-based studies. It is very successful in treating sperm quality-related infertility.
  • It encourages ovulation and enhances ovarian health. in order to have timely ovulation and fertilization, hormonal balance is essential. By regulating metabolism, Kapikachhu helps women’s hormones function properly.
  • Nervine tonic. Naturally boosts Dopamine levels in the body.
  • Calms the senses. Relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Excellent aphrodisiac. Enhances sexual health, vitality, and vigor.
  • Boosts sperm count and motility.
  • Improves ovarian health stimulates ovulation.

Dosage and Instructions

1-2 capsules of Kapikachhu twice daily or as directed by the Physician. Following up the night dose with a glass of lukewarm milk is recommended for best results.

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