Indukantham Kashayam 200 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Indukantham Kashayam 200 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Indukantham Kashayam is beneficial in Management of recurrent cough, cold and allergies, irritable bowel, sprue, chronic fatigue and emaciation.

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Indukantham Kashayam is a combination of anti-inflammatory group of ten roots Dasamoola digestive group of peppers (Black pepper, long pepper, wild pepper etc.), Indian Elm and Deodar.

This traditional recipe strengthens the respiratory system and balances Vata at the level of intestines. It boosts immunity and safeguards against recurrent infection. It is rejuvenative and nourishing.

Features & Benefits

  • Dasamoola has specific affinity to the upper respiratory tract.
  • Indukantham Kashayam is beneficial in recurrent cough and cold, throat infection breathing difficulties.
  • It improves appetite. Stimulates the digestive fire. Ensures smooth metabolism.
  • It balances Vata dosha at the level of the Koshta (intestines). Indukantham Kashayam relieves gut disorders like sprue and irritability of bowel. It ensures smooth functioning of the excretory system.
  • It optimises health and functioning of the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. It relieves inflammation and fluid retention in the body.
  • Indukantham Kashayam enhances inherent immunity and prevents recurrent infection and disease. It is deeply nourishing and rejuvenating.
  • Organic rock salt present in the recipe helps in restoring the body’s electrolyte balance.

Dosage and Instructions

15-20 ml of Indukantham Kashayam mixed with 45-60 ml of boiled and cooled water, twice daily on empty stomach.

Child: 10-15 ml of Indukantham Kashayam mixed with 30-45 ml of boiled and cooled water, twice daily on empty stomach.

Kashaya tablet safely indicated for adults and children alike.

Key Ingredients

Puthika (Holoptelea Integrifolia)

Its properties include antiviral, prevent damage to the cells, antimicrobial causes abortion, and used in the management of cancer. It is a very effective drug in treating swelling, skin diseases, nausea and acts as a very good blood purifier. It acts as Kaphapithashamaka. The mucilaginous bark is boiled and the juice squeezed out and applied to rheumatic swellings. The paste of the stem bark is externally applied to treat the inflammation of lymph glands, ringworm, and scabies.

Devadaru (Cedrus deodara)

Devadaru is useful in skin disorders, helminthiasis, and ulcers and is a wound cleanser. It also helps in removing flatulence and aids in removing toxins from the gut. It is an effective painkiller due to its analgesic properties. External application of the paste of Deodar helps to relieve pain, swelling, inflammation, cleansing infected wounds, and skin disorders associated with pain and itching. Himalayan Cedar oil is also used in headache, arthritis pain, and infested wounds, externally.

Vilwa (Aegle Marmelo)

It can be found as the favorite of Lord Shiva and thus found in the temples. Also known as Bilwa, the whole part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. Antidiarrhoeal, antimicrobial, antiviral, radioprotective, anticancer, chemopreventive, antipyretic, ulcer healing, antigenotoxic, diuretic, antifertility, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Agnimantha (Premna Integrifloria)

Agnimantha is used in the treatment of all types of Vata Disorders (diseases related to the nervous and musculoskeletal system), inflammatory disorders, neuralgia, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, piles, constipation, common cold, and loss of appetite. The extracts of the plant is used to treat diabetes. Urinary tract infections are also treated using Agnimantha extracts. Besides, its decoction is used to enhance strength immunity following fever treatment.

Shyonaka (Oroxylum Indicum)

It is commonly known as Indian Caper. It is one among the Dashamoolas. It Is anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature. It is effective in dysentery and diarrhea. It will increase the appetite, as well as relieves constipation. It is a potential herb against cancer, due to its potential cytotoxic and anti metastasis properties.

Patala(Stereospermum suaveolens)

It is one among the Dashamoola. It counteracts on Pitta and Kapha. It cures swelling over the body. It is effective in bleeding disorders and vomiting. It is used in snake bite, scorpion bite, vomiting, etc. It is neuroprotective and protects the liver. The herb is used for blood disorders such as anemia. It promotes the production of red blood cells. It also provides relief from symptoms associated with anemia such as lethargy, fatigue, and weakness. Roots are used for treating diseases such as bronchial asthma, blood disorders, jaundice, vomiting, paralysis, rheumatism.

Gambari (Gmelina arborea)

Commonly known as Beech wood, it acts as a Rasayana. It has an action on bleeding disorders. Balances Vata dosha. It nourishes the body. with its anti-inflammatory property, it is used to relieve pain and swelling.

Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris)

It is a natural aphrodisiac (arouses sexual desire) and has diuretic property thus its used in urinary disorders Used to tone muscles before childbirth, to cause an abortion, and to stimulate milk flow. It is effective in treating chest pain, eczema, enlarged prostate, sexual disorders, and infertility.

Shalaparni(Desmodium gangeticum)

It is one among the Dashamoolas. Its properties include aphrodisiac (sexual desires) analgesic, diuretic, and anti inflammatory. It is used in postnatal complaints, diarrhea, chronic fever, biliousness, cough, vomiting, and asthma.

Pippali (Piper longum)

It is commonly called Indian long pepper. It is effective in different respiratory tract diseases. It provides relief from cough and congestion and also helps in removing phlegm deposits from the respiratory tract. It also improves appetite and digestion, as well as treats stomach ache, heartburn, indigestion, intestinal gas, diarrhea, and cholera.

Chavya (Piper chaba)

It is useful in treating indigestion, abdominal colic, worm infestation, poisoning, anorexia, productive cough, asthma, bronchitis, fever, diarrhea, IBS, hemorrhoids, piles, fistula, chronic respiratory disorders, throat disorders, and rheumatic conditions.

Chithraka(Plumbago Zylaniac)

The whole of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. The word Dahana means that burns or digests. This medicinal herb is used mainly in indigestion cases along with carminative, antiaging properties. It also helps manage atherosclerosis as it prevents the deposition of fatty substances in arteries and maintains the blood flow in the body.

Nagara (Zingiber officinale)

It is a very effective drug to reduce flatulence and bloating of the abdomen. It is very much effective in both fresh and dried forms. Dry ginger powder helps in the digestion and elimination of toxins. It acts as an anti-diarrhoeal and anti-dysenteric. It improves bone health, relieving pain and inflammation in joints.


100% Natural. Purely herbal. Vegetarian.

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