Gulgulu | 60 Capsules by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Gulgulu | 60 Capsules by Sitaram Ayurveda


Regular use of Guggulu supplements helps in keeping the joints pain-free, mobile and stable. It has distinct efficacy in regulating the cholesterol levels in the body and managing body weight effectively.

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What Does Gulgulu Do For You?

  • The deeply warming and grounding properties of Guggulu calm and soothe the erratic Vata coursing through the body. Deranged Vata is responsible for pain, rigidity and loss of function in the musculoskeletal system. Regular use of Guggulu supplements helps in keeping the joints pain-free, mobile and stable.
  • Guggulu is by nature ushna and teekshna in the property. It enters the gross and subtle circulatory pathways and flushes out metabolic toxins from the body. It has distinct efficacy in regulating the cholesterol levels in the body.
  • A healthy metabolic rate is key to keeping away lifestyle disorders like hypertension, diabetes and thyroid disorders. The therapeutic use of Guggulu helps in kickstarting a sluggish metabolism. It helps in managing body weight effectively.
  • Guggulu is widely used for promoting wound healing in non-healing chronic ulcers and complicated fistulae. It ‘dries’ out wounds and stimulates tissue repair. Its ‘Bhootaghna’ property helps in preventing infection and disease.
  • Kapha vitiation in the skin manifests as chronic rashes, oozing lesions, and itching. Guggulu has proven efficacy in mitigating the deranged Kapha and restoring skin health.

Why Guggulu?

Conventional treatment for arthritis involves the chronic use of anti-inflammatory steroids and pain killers. Though it momentarily gives relief to the affected joints, the regular intake of these medicines harms the body in more than one way.

Guggulu is the fragrant resin of the Indian Bdellium Tree or Commiphora Mukul. It has tried and tested efficacy in treating arthritis arising from different causes. It naturally mitigates pain and inflammatory swelling, at the same time nourishing the weakened bone tissue, ligaments, tendons and associated musculature. There is a wealth of information that supports the potent anti-inflammatory action of Guggulosterone, the active principle in the resin.

It has exceptional Kapha-Vata hara quality i.e it remedies sluggishness and restores function. It is capable of regulating the circulating lipids in the body and streamlining metabolism. Guggulu, used therapeutically is a boon for the management of lifestyle disorders. It has been successfully used to counter chronic skin conditions like acne, high cholesterol levels, hardening of arteries, thyroid dysfunction, and abnormal weight gain.

Vedic Wisdom on Guggulu

Ayurvedic pharmacodynamics

Rasa: Tikta, KatuGuna: Laghu, Rooksha, Visada, Sookshma, SaraVirya: UshnaVipaka: KatuKarma: Medo-Meha-Aadyavata-Kleda-Kushta-Amavata Nasanam

Classical Reference From Bhavaprakasa Nighantu:

Translated as Guggulu has Tikta Katu Kashaya Rasa (bitter pungent astringent taste), Laghu Rooksha Guna (light and dry qualities), Ushna Veerya (hot potency), and Katu Vipaka (hot after digestion).

It is Bhagnasandhanakrt (heals fractures), Vrushya (aphrodisiac), Sookshma (has access to minute channels), Swarya (endows clarity of voice), and Rasayana (rejuvenation) in the property. It pacifies Kapha-Vata diseases, Vrana (chronic wounds) and Apachi (skin disorders).


Diterpenoids, triterpenoids, steroids, long-chain aliphatic tetrols, aliphatic esters, ferulates, lignans, carbohydrates, and a variety of inorganic ions besides minor amounts of sesamin and other unidentified constituents.

Botanical name: Commiphora MukulFamily: BurseraceaEnglish name: Indian bdelliumHindi name: GuggulMalayalam name: GugguluSanskrit name: Guggulu

Features & Benefits

  • Relieves pain and inflammation in bones, muscles and joints.
  • Rids the body of bad cholesterol and metabolic toxins.
  • Maintains healthy Basal Metabolic Rate. Tackles obesity.
  • Promotes wound healing and tissue repair.

Dosage and Instructions

1-2 Gulgulu Capsules once or twice daily, or as recommended by the Physician.

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