Eladi Choornam 50 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Eladi Choornam 50 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Eladi Choornam is useful for Insect stings and bites; Dull lustreless unhealthy skin; Sensitive, problematic skin; Allergic dermatitis, scabies, ersypelas, generalised pruritus and skin scaling etc.

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Skin is the largest organ in the human body. Eladi Choornam, with its authentic reference in Ashtanga Hridaya, is an exquisite formula in powder form. It tends to skin health superficially and extends its therapeutic properties deep into the body to balance the three doshas.

Eladi choornam keeps the skin clear, bright and healthy, and is used effectively in managing skin complaints like rashes, itching, dry and wet lesions, pigmentation, allergic eruptions, boils, acne etc.

Features & Benefits

  • Derangement of the Tridoshas, namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha, are easily manifested in the skin. Aggravated Kapha causes excessively oily, thick, scabby discoloured skin easily given to infection, itching and allergies. Pitta aggravation results in acne-prone, sweaty, ruddy skin easily affected by climatic changes, prone to inflammation and breaking out in pustules and blisters. Vata, on the other hand, manifests as dry, cracked sallow skin with no resistance to infection and disease.
  • Detoxifying action with potent Vishahara drugs as ingredients, Eladi choornam draws out and expels toxins from insect bites and the like, as well as endotoxins. Endotoxins or products of faulty metabolism are often the causal factors for chronic disorders of the skin.
  • Improves skin complexion, tone and lustre. Eladi choornam also reduces the wear and tear of skin due to ageing and day to day stress and strain.
  • Anti-inflammatory action The unique blend breaks inflammatory pathways in the skin, relieving allergic itching and redness.
  • Anti-microbial action Cleanses the skin and equips it against recurrent bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
  • Invigorating and warming Typical of Kaphahara drugs, the powder, on application, unclogs and opens up sweat and sebum pores, stimulates blood circulation and exfoliates gently. Cleanses the skin of cosmetic build-up.
  • Revitalising Enriched with Cardamom, Cinnamon, Nagakesar, Jatamansiand other aromatic drugs, Eladi choornam restores vitality and vigour to the senses and the physical body. Soothes and rejuvenates dull and tired-looking skin.
  • Presence of Jatamansi, Nata and Sallaki in Eladi choornam stimulates and strengthens nerve function, and relaxes the body.

Dosage and Instructions

A sufficient quantity of the Eladi Choornam is to be mixed with a suitable adjuvant and applied in a thick layer to the affected regions. It should not be allowed to dry completely, should be wiped off with a damp cloth when 3/4th dry.

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