Dasamool Cough Syrup 100 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Dasamool Cough Syrup 100 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Dasamool Cough Syrup is beneficial in Acute cough, Cold, Sinusitis, Associated tastelessness and loss of appetite. Diabetic patients should use the product with caution.

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Honey based expectorant that soothes and heals, Dasamool cough syrup is a versatile modification of the traditional

Dasamoola katutraya Kashaya mentioned in the context of cough, wheezing and breathing difficulties. The combination of herbs in a refreshing base of honey laced with camphor clears clogged sinuses and chest congestion effectively while leaving an appetizing taste in your mouth and throat.

Features & Benefits

  • The only expectorant based on Dasamoola Katuthraya Kashayam. Dasamoola, the potent group of 10 anti-inflammatory roots has a specific action in the region of the Upper respiratory tract, especially the lungs.
  • Bronchodilative And Analgesic properties of Dasamoola combined with Vasa(Adathoda vasica), effectively flushes out vitiated phlegm from the respiratory tract and relieves spasm.
  • It is fortified with Trikatu, TulsiandLajjalu which reduce phlegm production and strengthens the respiratory system. The product also helps in keeping the throat moist and protects it against further infection and disease.
  • Honey soothes the irritated throat.
  • Dasamool Cough Syrup stimulates appetite and improves digestion.

Dosage and Instructions

Children above 2 yrs: 5 to 10 drops of Dasamool Cough Syrup 2 to 3 times a day.

Adults: half to one teaspoon of Dasamool Cough Syrup 2 to 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

Suitable for all ages.

Key Ingredients

Mashaparni (Vigna Radiata)

It is a nutrition-rich herb. It balances Vata and Pitta dosha. It increases Kapha dosha and is useful for treating Vata and Pitta Disorders, Fatigue, Muscle wasting and bleeding disorders. It boosts body energy and immunity. It strengthens the muscles. It is used to improve sperm and semen quality and quantity. It is useful in disease related to blood like abscess, menorrhagia, nasal bleeding. It is also given in burning sensation like gastritis, neuropathy, burning sensation in eyes.

Mudgaparni (Vigna Pilosa)

It is widely used in ayurvedic system of medicine to treat jaundice, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, dyspepsia, sedative, coolant, anthelmintic and good for eyes. The plant is reported to possess beneficial effects as a tonic, diuretic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antimicrobial. It is also found to induce defence mechanisms against the exposure of UV radiations.

Bilva (Aegle Marmelos)

The anti-bacterial properties of Bael pacify Vata and Kapha doshas and cures and prevent many skin infections.

Agnimantha (Premna Integrifolia)

The extracts of Agnimantha play a vital role in improving skin glow and texture. It prevents dark circles, blemishes, breakouts, scars left after the healing of acne, suntans, and various signs of aging and provides a natural radiance to the skin.

Shyonaka (Oroxylum Indicum)

It detoxifies the blood, cleanses wounds and helps in faster healing.

Gambhari(Gmelina arborea)

One of the Dashamoola roots, it effectively reduces inflammation and improves wound healing. The potent antioxidant properties help in cleansing the blood and removing dullness of skin and wrinkles.

Patala(Stereospermum Colais )

The herb is highly effective in purifying the blood. It also treats burns, wounds, reduces blisters, and provides relief from pain and burning sensation.

Shalaparni(Pseudarthria Viscida)

The extract is highly beneficial in treating allergic conditions and skin infections and provides relief from redness, itching, and dryness.

Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestrius)

Being an amazing skin emollient, this prickly dried fruits of the Gokshura tree treats skin infections and inflammatory conditions. It also helps in treating the various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, etc. and bestows a smooth, glowing, revitalized skin.

Pippali (Piper longum)

Pippali is known as “Tridoshic” herb as it suits all body types. Thus regular consumption of Pippali in suggested quantity can help you to immune your body to quiet an extent. Pippali has Anti-microbial, Anti-inflammatory activity. Consumption of Pippali is said to exhibit antispasmodic action and hypoglycaemic effect, which is believed to lower blood sugar level. It is also reported to be an antagonist in respiratory depression. Also, due to its cooling post-digestive effect consumption of Pippali is considered as a safe and effective option to avoid all sorts of digestive disorders.

Shunti(Zingiber officinale)

The dry form of ginger, Shuntiis a common spice in the Indian kitchen. It bears an enormous number of pharmacological activities among those, Neuroprotective activity and activity against colon cancer have facilitated the extent of further research for finding out less toxic and more potent drugs for the better treatment of related diseases. Ginger is extensively used around the world in foods as a spice. Ginger has been used for cold-induced disease, nausea, asthma, cough, colic, heart palpitation, swellings, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, dyspnoea, vomiting, gastritis, thirst, post partum disorders and rheumatism. It is a carminative antipyretic and is used to treat bronchitis, gastrointestinal disorders and piles.

Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum)

It is native to Western Ghats of India. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is widely used as a spice and in traditional Indian medicine preparation. Black pepper is an appetizer and a carminative commonly used in the treatment of digestive system related complaints like dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, diarrhoea and colic pain. in the respiratory system it acts like expectorant used in cough, cold and chest congestion. Externally used as an analgesic and in Vitiligo, it stimulates the production of pigments.

Kantakari(Solanum Xanthocarpum)

Kantakariis also known as “Indian Nightshade or “Yellow-berried Nightshade”. It is an important medicinal herb and is also a member of Dashmoola (ten roots) of the Ayurveda. The herb is pungent and bitter. Kantakariis beneficial for the management of respiratory problems like cough and asthma due to its expectorant property. It helps to release mucus from the respiratory passages and prevent asthmatic attacks. According to Ayurveda, taking Kantakaripowder along with water or honey help in digestion by improving the Agni (digestive fire) due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Paachan (digestive) properties.

Dusparsa (Mimosa Pudica)

It has been found useful in cases of uterine prolapse with bleeding. The plant relieves muscle spasms and cramps. It strengthens nerve function.

Tulsi (Solanum Xanthocarpum)

It is called the queen of all herbs. It is used widely in Ayurvedic and naturopathic medicines which helps in the healing of the human body in a natural manner. Not only do Tulsi leaves benefit people, but its flowers too. Tulsi can help you get rid of many health problems ranging from fever to kidney stones. Ayurvedic texts have also categorised the wonder herb as a stimulant, antipyretic and aromatic.

Speciality: 100% Natural. Herbal. Vegetarian.

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