Dadimadi Ghrita 150 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Dadimadi Ghrita 150 gm by Sitaram Ayurveda


Dadimadi Ghrita is used for digestive disorders, metabolic deficiencies, abdominal gas and flatulence.

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Dadima is the Sanskrit word for pomegranate. Dadimadi Ghrita is a medicated ghee known for its excellent carminative action. Its reference particularly mentions Mooddha Vata Anulomana as its function i.e it releases Vata that is obstructed in the gut, and restores its functions like digestion, absorption and excretion.

Sluggishness of Kapha along with the erratic behavior of Vata results in absorptive disorders and deficiency. Dadimadi Ghrita is safely recommended for use in pregnant women for maintaining metabolism.

Features & Benefits

  • Dadimadi Ghrita is an excellent carminative. It releases obstructed Vata in the gut and restores its function.
  • It improves the functions of digestion, absorption and excretion. It stimulates appetite.
  • It is beneficial in managing low blood heme level, chronic fatigue and emaciation.
  • Dadimadi Ghrita maybe safely used in pregnant women to overcome digestive disorders and metabolic deficiencies.

Dosage and Instructions

Adult: 7-10 ml of Dadimadi Ghrita early in the morning on empty stomach.

Child: 5-7 ml of Dadimadi Ghrita once in the morning on empty stomach.

Key Ingredients

Dadima (Punica Granatum)

Commonly known as pomegranate, it has anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory components, which is effective on prevention and treatment of cancer and other chronic and infection diseases. It is an well recommended fruit for anemic persons.

Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum)

Fresh leaves and seeds have been an integral parts of Indian dietetics. Chopped leaves and powdered coriander are used for garnishing various food items in India. Primarily both of them have a significant effect on the digestive process. Coriander prevents flatulence and controls spasmodic pain as recommended by Ayurveda. Extract of coriander seeds has a marked antispasmodic activity.

Shunti (Zingiber officinalae)

Due to its strong flavor, Ginger is an essential ingredient in many Asian cuisines. Its therapeutic benefits have been recorded in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ginger is a potent anti-nauseatic and is beneficial in treating upset stomach.Gingerol and shogaol, active components of Ginger, suppress gastric contractions. Both the fresh and dried rhizomes of Ginger suppress gastric secretion and reduce vomiting. The compounds 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol have a number of pharmacological properties, including antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive and hypotensive properties.

Chithraka(Plumbago zeylanica)

Chitraka is a potent digestive medicine used for treating a host of ailments including indigestion, constipation, anorexia, abdominal distension, stomatitis, abdominal pain, etc. Imbued with digestive, caustic, stimulant and carminative properties, it eliminates harmful AMA toxins from the body which has accumulated due to malabsorption of food particles.

Pippali (Piper longum)

Pippali is known as “Tridoshic” herb as it suits all body types. Thus regular consumption of Pippali in suggested quantity can help you to immune your body to quiet an extent. Pippali has Anti-microbial, Anti-inflammatory activity. Consumption of Pippali is said to exhibit anti spasmodic action and hypoglycaemic effect which is believed to lower blood sugar level. It is also reported to be antagonist in respiratory depression. Also due to its cooling post-digestive effect consumption of Pippali is considered as a safe and effective option to avoid all sorts of digestive disorders.

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