What Does Ashwagandha Do For You?
- Powerful adaptogen. It heals and calms the mind frayed by restlessness, panic and anxiety. Relieves mental stress and fatigue.
- Excellent remedy for insomnia. Balances aggravated Vata and Pitta elements in the body. Induces calmness and tranquility in the mind and body.
- Modulates immune function. Builds the body’s natural defense to infection and disease.
- Improves functions of the brain intellect, memory and concentration.
- Strengthens nerve function. Beneficial in the management of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases
- Facilitates efficient metabolism. Effective in overcoming nutritional deficiencies, emaciation and fatigue.
- Improves fertility and sexual health. Ashwagandhais instrumental in maintaining the pristine quality of the Dhatus (body tissues) including the sperm and ovum.
Why Aswagandha?
Do you feel like flopping onto your bed in the middle of the day? Do you move through life unmotivated and fatigued? Frequent hospital visits, recurrent cough cold, infection and fever, have these become a way of life for you? Wish you could reset your system and start afresh?
Revive and rejuvenate with Aswagandha, the elixir for health and well-being. ‘Rasayana Chikitsa’ is a branch of medicine unique to the Ayurvedic system of healing. It focuses on protecting the body from the rigors of daily life and softening the impact of aging. Faulty dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, undue stress and strain, all contribute to a sluggish metabolism. This in turn manifests as hormonal malfunction, inflammatory disorders, general fatigue, and poor mental health in the individual.
Indian Ginseng or Ashwagandha is a herb revered by the Ayurvedic scriptures for its superlative Rasayana properties. Several studies bear testimony to the potent antioxidant activity of Aswagnadha in its various forms. It boosts general endurance and immunity, improves metabolism and enhances sexual health and virility.
Vedic Wisdom on Aswagandha
Ayurvedic Pharmacodynamics
Rasa: Kashaya, Tikta, Katu
Guna: Laghu, Snighdha
Virya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kapha-Vata hara, Sukrakara, Rasayana, Balya
Literally translated, the Sanskrit name for Indian Ginseng, Ashvagandha, means ‘the smell and strength of a horse’. Classical reference from Bhavaprakasha Nighantu
Translated as Ashwagandhapacifies Vata and Kapha doshas, cures switra (white pigmentation of skin), sosha (emaciation) and kshaya (wasting) ; is balya (strengthening), rasayanee (rejuvenating), tikta-kashaya (bitter and astringent to taste), ushna (hot in potency), atisukrala (promoting fertility).
Withananine, Withananinine, Pseudo-withanine, Somnine, Somniferine, Somniferinine, Withaferin, Withanone, Somnirol, Nicotine, Withanone, Withanolide WS-1, Withanolide A to Y; Somnirol, Somnitol; Withasomniferin A, Nicotine, Preudotropine Tropine, Solasodifle, Withasomnifle, Sitoindosides VII-X, Sominone, Sominolide.
Botanical name: Withania somnifera
Family: Solanaceae
English name: Indian Ginseng
Hindi Name: Asgandha, Punir
Malayalam name: Amukkuram
Features & Benefits
- Excellent immunomodulator.
- Combats stress and anxiety. Nervine tonic.
- Good anti-oxidant.
- Improves fertility and vigor.
Dosage and Instructions
Two capsules of Ashwagandhaat bedtime, after an early dinner. Following up the dose with a glass of lukewarm milk is recommended for best results.
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