Ashokarishtam 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda

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Ashokarishtam 450 ml by Sitaram Ayurveda


Asokarishtam improves menstrual health and reproductive health; Beneficial in managing hormonal imbalance; Good remedy for Pitta-induced skin conditions like acne and heat rashes. Management of hot flushes, sleeplessness, vaginal discharge etc. associated with menopause.

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The name Asoka translates to that which is devoid of sorrow or suffering. with its superlative efficacy in healing and reviving the female reproductive system, it is indeed the holy grail for the treatment of gynecological disorders in Ayurveda.

In Asokarishta, Asoka combines with herbal drugs chosen for their efficacy in stimulating the gonads, strengthening the uterine muscles and streamlining hormonal function. Arishtas are formulations in a mild and sweet alcoholic base. Asokarishtam is palatable, can be administered to children and adults alike and is quick-acting in nature.

Features & Benefits

  • Asokarishtam is a combination of Ashoka (Saraca ashoka), Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa), Ajaji (Nigella sativa),Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Shunti(Zingiber officinale), Darvi (Cocccinium fenestratum), Utpala (Nymphea stellata), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Embilica officinalis), Vibheetaki (Terminalia bellarica), Amrasthi (Mangifera indica), Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum), Vasa(Adathoda vasica and Chandana (Santalum alba) in a mild alcoholic base, sweet to taste.
  • The formulation acts in synergy to balance Vata, Pitta and Kapha elements in the body. It has a specific action in the pelvic region or sroni pradesha.
  • It is an excellent remedy for pacifying the heat and viscidity of aggravated Pitta in the body. Cools the body from within. It is beneficial in the treatment of white discharge, vaginal dryness and itching.
  • It facilitates the smooth movement and function of Vata in the region of Apana. Relaxes spasm of the muscles of the uterine walls, lower abdomen and inner thighs. Facilitates normal menstrual discharge.
  • It contains natural phytoestrogens which help to regulate the menstrual cycle, by stimulating the ovaries and the uterine wall to function in its right capacity. It is conducive for achieving a healthy pregnancy and progeny.
  • The formulation tones the uterine walls and muscles, thereby easing heavy menstrual flow and associated discomfort.
  • It is widely used to support the treatment of a broad spectrum of gynecological complaints ranging from absence of menstrual periods, spotting, painful bleeding, profuse and scanty bleeding.
  • The product has excellent carminative property. It relieves abdominal distension and colic.
  • Asokarishtam improves blood quality and circulation. It is beneficial in managing skin conditions arising from impure blood and defective circulation.
  • It nourishes and rejuvenates the human body. It is an excellent health tonic, it is especially beneficial for women of all ages ranging from pubertal period to menopausal age.

Dosage and Instructions

Adult: 25-30 ml Asokarishtam twice or thrice daily after food.

Child: 10-15 ml Asokarishtam once or twice daily after food.

100% Natural. Purely herbal. Vegetarian.

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